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Portland's Best<br>Sri Lankan Catering
We'll add the spice to your event

Portland's Best
Sri Lankan Catering

Our Menu

Meet Kasun

Hey! I'm Kasun, a self-taught chef originally from the enchanting island of Sri Lanka. I'veembarked on an incredible journey of self-discovery and culinary exploration, driven by aninsatiable passion for the art of cooking.

My culinary adventure combines sheer determination, experimentation, and anunquenchable thirst for traditional knowledge. With each dish I create, I aim to captivatetaste buds and evoke a sense of awe. Food enthusiasts from far and wide have been kindenough to admire my delectable creations, further fueling my culinary ambitions.

As you join me on this journey, get ready to experience a symphony of flavors that blendtraditional Sri Lankan cuisine with my unique twist. I invite you to join me on a gastronomicodyssey where your senses will be awakened, and your cravings will be ignited. Brace yourselffor an extraordinary Sri Lankan culinary experience with me. -Kasun-



short entrees large Friday Night

We recommend one entree per person. (You will have some leftover)

Chicken Fried Rice
Chicken Fried Rice
One per person
Beef Fried Rice
Beef Fried Rice
One per person
Lamb Fried Rice
Lamb Fried Rice
One per person

Our large servings are divided into Large and Extra Large.

Chicken Curry
Chicken Curry
(15-20 people)
Beef Curry
Beef Curry
(8-10 people)
Beef Curry
Beef Curry
(15-20 people)
Chicken Devilled
Chicken Devilled
(8-10 people)
Chicken Devilled
Chicken Devilled
(15-20 people)
Shrimp Deviled
Shrimp Deviled
(15-20 people)
Dhal Curry
Dhal Curry
(8-10 people)
Dhal Curry
Dhal Curry
(15-20 people)

Friday Night Specials Are Temporarily Unavailable.

Please Call (330) 285-6136 For Special Orders.


Check Out These Great Tips and Recipes from Kasun

"the only real stumbling block is fear of failure. in cooking, you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude" -Julia child-

Coconut Sambal
Coconut Sambal
July 5, 2023

Kasun’s Kitchen, the esteemed Sri Lankan food catering service in Portland, Oregon, is delighted to… Read moreRead moreCoconut Sambal

July 5, 2023
String Hoppers
String Hoppers
July 5, 2023

Kasun’s Kitchen, a Sri Lankan food catering service in Portland, Oregon, is thrilled to share… Read moreRead moreString Hoppers

July 5, 2023
Tempered Potato
Tempered Potato
July 5, 2023

We are thrilled to unveil an exceptional and flavorsome recipe for our signature Sri Lankan… Read moreRead moreTempered Potato

July 5, 2023

What Our Customers say

“Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, was once the crown jewel of the spice trade. Its cloves, cardamom, pepper, nutmeg, mace, ginger, cinnamon, chilies, and curry—the envy of the world. These spices built empires.” - Anthony Bourdain

You guys are awesome
“The food is delicious, thanks a lot for making such awesome and different types of food we love. We loved everything you guys make, My son took over the whole cake. The rice definitely took me back to Sri Lanka More orders in the very near future for sure. Thanks a lot, you guys are awesome.”
Jessica Dank
Jessica Dank
Keep it up y'all!
"Eat Sri Lankan food in the USA so far keep it up y'all!"
Nirman Jayasena
Nirman Jayasena
We enjoyed every one of them
"Loved the rolls, seen sambal paan, kimbula banis (Simon's favorite) and roast paan. We enjoyed every one of them. Thank you for the great food. So happy there's a place to buy Sri Lankan food."
Judy Parys Perera
Judy Parys Perera
Very impressed!
"Very impressed! Great food! Highly recommend!!"
Roshani Levister
Roshani Levister
Will definitely buy it again
"Today's Lamprais was really good! Will definitely buy it again."
Nadun Kuruppumullage
Nadun Kuruppumullage
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(330) 285-6136
Portland, Oregon

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